Where you live is the most important decision to make in your 20s. So we made home where our homies are. Homies are the friends you learn and laugh the most with. They're the friends who inspire you to live with intensity and authenticity. We live vicariously through the homies at Our/Place.

Our/Place is a fully furnished group home in Hayes Valley

We have 10 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 4 washrooms, Pookie the on-site gpu cluster, rooftop access, and an outdoor backyard from May to August. We’re curating a space for collaborative living and experimenting.

We value individual autonomy as much as we do community. People generally have busy lives outside of the house so it’s unrealistic to over plan events that would drain people more than recharge them at home. We don’t want home to feel like a second work place. Any collaborative work should have a low overhead, and we recommend that it be done in small groups to minimize the need for coordination.

We also recognize that group houses tend to be more distracting than they are productive. To make sure that this does not hold true for our/place, we reserve Mon-Thurs for coworking and Fri-Sun for guests, although this is not strictly imposed. We also try to maintain quiet hours past 12am to be mindful of those who have work in the morning.


We’re cooking and we’re hungry!

  1. Albert Lai Building the future of blockchain infra at caldera. Love travelling (just came back from a trip to Argentina), running and being a poker / mahjong degen as a of late.
  2. Charles Liu (Host): Currently trying to reconstruct images with EEGs and building a tool to make reading research papers more fun. Thinking of ways to make the house more engaging for the next four months. Reach out if you have any ideas! Avatar uniform: blue baggy sweatshirt and grey sweatpants
  3. Cheikh Fiteni (Co-Host):
  4. Eden Chan (Co-Host) Currently working on EEG image reconstruction and making research papers interactive and social! I worked at 2 YC startups, and I love to write!
  5. Edward Li: Diving deep into the intersection of LLMs, software, hardware, and cybersecurity. Currently at Codegen building agentic software development. In my free time, also building rockets, hacking computers, organizing hackathons, and just generally building cool shit.
  6. Freeman Jiang Working on neural interfaces and multimodal LLMs at Wispr AI. In my free time I like taking photos and making EDM. Currently building Gazooks! a tabletop trivia mobile game.
  7. HudZah Currently shenanigans-maxxing! Will be building a hydroponic farm at this house, dabbling with cameras, and LLMs.
  8. Jackson Mowatt Gok: working at Friend !